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Painting challenges

Scroll down to see all the submitted work for the art challenges since 2020....


Inspired by the success of the online exhibition 2020 and exhibition 2021 WOKAS members have been creating art for our regular ‘painting challenges’ which give members a specific theme to work to, that have included ...

- still life

- landscapes

- portraits

- animals

- abstract

- interiors

- water

- gardens

- interpretation of a photo

- working in monochrome

- autumn light

- working in the style of an artist

- working in pencil

- a room in my home

- mixed media

- art of the close-up

- skylines

- extending an image

- machines and anything mechanical

- emotions


WOKAS members responded to our challenges with a great variety of paintings. You can see them all below – you need to click on the picture to open each folder of paintings.  Contact us if you would like to get in touch with any of the artists. 


Art from our 2 online Art Unlocked exhibitions is still available to view - click above to visit the exhibitions.

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