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Animal Challenge

Kate Rundell

What a great response from our members for the animal challenge. A fantastic collection of works. Comments are very encouraging.

Beverley Benson

My friend's cat


Beverley Benson

A Friend's Dog

Water based Oils

Caroline Anderson-Jones

The Patience of Dogs

Beverley Benson

Cooling Off

Water based oils

Caroline Anderson-Jones

Sea turtles

Tried to evoke depths in move in water created by nature

Caroline Anderson-Jones


Reflections in water movement 

Phil Auden

Crazy cockerel

Phil Auden

Highland Osprey catching a fish

Angela Musil


Angela Musil

A Desert Fox


Angela Musil


Lynne Slatter

A Seahorse in watercolour

Angela Musil

My Cat

Acrylic on canvas

Mike Haynes

Lynne Slatter

A cat in acrylics

Lynne Slatter

A cockerel in watercolour

Michael Innocent

Our daily visitor


Alison Chandler

Pastel portrait of Rory, Wokas's only canine member! This was done at the session led by Josie Tipler, who gave us great tips on how to handle pastels.

June Grindley

Sparrows welcome a late arrival

Tricia Muller



Ron Rous

Who stole my slipper?


Clare Davies

Yoga frog


Clare Davies

Yoga frog


Clare Davies

Yoga frog


John Hamilton

Picasso fish

The coral reefs are wonderful but unfortunately disappearing. They support vast ecosystems including so many shoals of beautiful tropical fish. 

John Hamilton

Bannerfish, Wrasse and Anemonefish

The coral reefs are wonderful but unfortunately disappearing. They support vast ecosystems including so many shoals of beautiful tropical fish. 

John Hamilton

Snorkelling on the edge of the reef

The coral reefs are wonderful but unfortunately disappearing. They support vast ecosystems including so many shoals of beautiful tropical fish. 


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